MAN TGX 41.540 - Staas

The company Staas from Achim (DE) owns this nice MAN TGX 41.540 with XLX cab.

It is a 4 axle truck with 540 hp. The wheelbase is, seen from the first axle, 2.6 + 1.45 + 1.4 meters. The truck is 2.5 meters wide and weights about 12.4 tonnes.

Behind the cab is a large fueltank for 970 liters made, above some toolboxes. Between the first two axles are the mufler and an oiltank made. On the other side the battery and Adbluetank can be found here.

The truck is mostly with a Goldhofer THP XLE 3/5 lowloader on the move, loads up to 85 tonnes can be transported with this combination.

The combination was parked in front of a harbour area and was waiting to get loaded later on.

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